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Adapt messages

Besides adapting your communication techniques to the applicant’s personal circumstances, you also need to adapt the information content to what messages the applicant needs to receive.

When providing information on access to procedure, you need to tailor your messages for, at least, the following applicant profiles:

  • unaccompanied children;
  • accompanied children;
  • dependent adults;
  • applicants with special needs;
  • applicants channelled to a particular procedure, such as Dublin procedure, accelerated procedure, admissibility procedure or border procedure;
  • applicants in detention.

The content of the messages that need to be delivered to the applicants is elaborated in the thematic areas on this portal.


Practical tip on providing information to a family by adapting both the message and the communication techniques

  • Make sure that all family members are individually provided with information that is specifically relevant for them.
  • Adapt your communications techniques at least to the children and women. For example, information needs to be delivered to children in a child-friendly manner that considers their age and maturity to ensure that it is understood, while women may require space for information provision that ensures confidentiality, to ensure that they can ask all questions that are relevant to their application and/or reception.
  • Proactively observe other potential circumstances to which the communication needs to be adapted.

Practical tip on targeted information material and sessions

  • Design targeted information material and sessions for unaccompanied children and other applicant profiles.

For some applicant profiles, you will need not only to adapt communication techniques according to personal circumstances, but also to provide specific information in relation to the asylum and reception procedures. For example, unaccompanied children require specific communication techniques and also need to receive specific information about the asylum and reception procedures.