The product aims to provide applicants for international protection with information on access to the asylum procedure, either upon entry to the territory or at the beginning of the registration of the making or lodging of the application. It is especially relevant during the first contact with applicants, including vulnerable persons and children, in situations of mass arrivals. This presentation in a video format can be watched by individuals on a smartphone.
EUAA Products
This section contains information materials developed by the EUAA which can be used by national authorities and other entities responsible for the provision of information on the asylum procedure, the Dublin procedure, reception and resettlement. These include animations, posters, brochures, leaflets and slide presentations. The EUAA practical guides on information provision are also referred to in this section.
Some information materials are generic, with general and standard information applicable in all Member States. Other materials have been developed in a way that national authorities and other responsible entities would be expected to complete them with national and/or local or specific information before using them. The materials come with ‘how to use’ manuals explaining when to distribute it, how and to whom. Some manuals also include a ‘script’ to support facilitators in carrying out information sessions using the material.
The information provision materials were developed according to the communication methodology of the EUAA Let’s Speak Asylum project. They were tested with applicants from various profiles and target groups. The materials are complementary to the other sections of the portal. These should be used in a mix of communication channels and complemented with the provision of specific information tailored to the individual needs of the applicant, in line with the methodology and the relevant applicable provisions.
© European Union Agency for Asylum, 2023.
Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged.
Neither the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) nor any person acting on behalf of the EUAA is responsible for the use that might be made of the information provision materials of this library nor are they be liable for any consequence stemming from their reuse.
The EUAA does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information added by third parties to the customisable parts of the information materials.
The slide presentation aims to provide applicants for international protection with information on access to the asylum procedure, either upon entry to the territory or at the beginning of the registration of the making or lodging of the application. The slide presentation is especially relevant during the first contact with applicants, including vulnerable persons and children, in situations of mass arrivals. The format of the presentation is meant to support information provision sessions, during which the presenter moves the slides manually while presenting the content.
The animated slide presentation aims to provide applicants for international protection with information on access to the asylum procedure, either upon entry to the territory or at the beginning of the registration of the making or lodging of the application. The animated slide presentation is especially relevant during the first contact with applicants, including vulnerable persons and children, in situations of mass arrivals. In the slideshow mode, the slides advance automatically and include animations and voice over.
The brochure aims to provide applicants for international protection with information on access to the asylum procedure. It includes information and topics which are relevant for the applicants at the registration and lodging stage.
The product provides an overview of the steps in the asylum procedure in a simple and easy to understand ways and includes self-explanatory illustrations to support the understanding of the key messages by less literate applicants and children.
The purpose of the poster is to introduce what is international protection and to support self-identification of persons in need of international protection during the access to the asylum procedure. The use of easy-to-understand illustrations aims to support the understanding of the message by less literate applicants and children.
The poster provides a set of information to applicants in order to support the self-identification of vulnerabilities and special needs in asylum and reception. It can be used in various locations, such as registration centres, reception centres, both upon arrival and during the applicants’ stay in the centre. The use of easy-to-understand illustrations aims to support the understanding of the key messages by less literate applicants and children.
The brochure ”Are you or do you know someone in one or more of these situations?” provides a set of information to applicants in order to support the self-identification of vulnerabilities and special reception needs. It can be used both upon arrival in the reception centre and during the applicants’ stay in the centre. The use of easy-to-understand illustrations aims to support the understanding of the key messages by less literate applicants.
The brochure ‘What you need to know about life at a reception centre’ complements the animations for children with further details on the rights and obligations of unaccompanied children in reception and how support staff can help them. It provides the possibility to add useful information and contact details specific for a location or a country. It can be used during arrival and stay in reception.
The brochure ‘What you need to know about life at a reception centre’ complements the animations for children with further details on the rights and obligations of accompanied children in reception and how support staff can help them and their families. It provides the possibility to add useful information and contact details specific for a location or a country. It can be used during arrival and stay in reception.
The animation informs children about their general right to safety and protection from violence and abuse and how to stay safe while living in a reception centre.
The animation gives a brief understanding about children´s rights and responsibilities linked to their reception as applicants for international protection, starting with the arrival phase.
This poster has been created to promote family reunification through the Dublin procedure. The poster is available in two basic versions one with an adult protagonist wishing to reunite with her partner, and the other with a child wishing to reunite with a family member. Both versions are available in 14 different language versions. This is the version of the poster with the child applicant.
This poster has been created to promote family reunification through the Dublin procedure. The poster is available in two basic versions one with an adult protagonist wishing to reunite with her partner, and the other with a child wishing to reunite with a family member. Both versions are available in 14 different language versions. This is the version of the poster with the adult applicant.
This information leaflet is intended to provide information in relation to the Eurodac fingerprinting of applicants that are found illegally staying in a Member State. The leaflet is available in a number of translations and should be adapted with Member State specific information.