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Pre-departure activities

The pre-departure phase takes place after a formal decision on resettlement has been made by the resettlement country and before the travel to the resettlement country. How long this phase takes varies depending on factors such as logistics regarding travel documents, visas, exit permits, health assessments and available housing in the resettlement country. During this “waiting time” most of member states provide refugees with a specific orientation prior departure, called pre-departure orientation or cultural orientation. By using this time effectively, the refugees can be better prepared for life in the resettlement country.

Pre-departure orientation

For refugees, being resettled to a new country can be both exiting and challenging. While resettlement present the opportunity of a new life and new opportunities, the lack of familiarity with basic feature of life in the resettlement country can be stressful. Furthermore, refugees have little choice in this process, which contribute to a feeling of lack of control of their lives.

The pre-departure orientation programme contributes to building refugees feelings of control and to be ready to deal with unknow situation in the hosting country.

In combination with the information given during the identification and selection phases, the pre-departure orientation aims at managing refugees’ expectation and to give refugees a clearer idea of what will be expected of them after arrival.  This helps in reducing stress and building solid basis for integration.

Refugees usually receive information that can be summarize into 3 main areas:

  • Knowledge: everything that refugees need to know about the resettlement process and the integration in the new country;
  • Skills: everything that refugees need to be able to do, such as basic life skills that will be useful after the arrival, or an introduction to the language;
  • Attitudes: this will support refugees to feel confident and in control of the resettlement process, to prepare them for new challenges they will face and to avoid stress or sense of depression.

A compilation of topics that could be part of a standard pre departure orientation (more or less of three days) can be found in the Operational Tool for Resettlement: Guiding note on pre departure orientation topics. Guiding note on pre-departure orientation topics | European Union Agency for Asylum (

Usually, pre-departure orientation sessions are delivered face to face. Although, if it is not possible to travel in the country of asylum, or if the refugee is unable to attend the session, the organisation of a video-session can be a solution. The Operational Tool for Resettlement:  Checklist for the organisation of pre-departure and cultural orientation sessions via video link (Checklist for the organisation of pre-departure and cultural orientation sessions via video link ( highlights some key aspect to be taken into consideration when planning and conducting a remote PDO session.